Place calls on hold, and retrieve from hold, at the touch of a button. Callers hear 'hold' music until retrieved or transferred.
Perform blind transfers (transferring calls without warning), attended transfers (with warning).
Extensions are unique three-digit numbers of your choosing, enabling rapid transfer and dialing.
If you need to take a break, DND lets you present a 'busy' tone. Incoming calls will go to voicemail or (if setup) redirected.
When your line is busy, call forwarding directs your incoming calls to a different number (instead of voicemail).
Route your calls to an alternate destination outside of business hours.
When something is better left unheard, press the 'mute' button so the person on the other end can't hear you.
Store contact names and numbers in your handset directory. (Contact names show up on caller ID).
Staff, suppliers, customers or local take-away: call your favourite numbers at the touch of a button.
Set your phone keys to show the status of another user's line (available/ incoming / busy). Ideal for receptionists.
Intercept an incoming call going to another user.
Automatically direct calls, or play certain voicemail messages, based on the time / date the call is received.
Have a selected landline number show as the caller ID whenever someone from your office calls outside the company.
See who is calling before you pick up.
Customise what music your callers hear while 'on hold'. Royalty-free music is included by default.
Our online portal gives you the ability to make instant changes to your telephony service.